The tree, which is native to South Africa, has a life-span of 2,500-3,000 years, with the oldest one being about 6,000 years old. It grows to a height of 70 feet and has a hollow tree-trunk with a diameter of 35 feet. Every part of the tree has medicinal properties. Its fruit has six times more Vitamin C than oranges and twice as much calcium as cow's milk.
In Delhi only three Kalpvrikshas exist. 1,000 saplings are being procured and will be planted across the city shortly.
My hunch is that they will be planted in or close to bungalows of politicians. They need them the most!
Picture: The bas-relief from Angkor Wat,Cambodia, shows Vishnu in the centre, his turtle avatar Kurma below, asuras and devas to left and right. Source: Wikipedia
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