The Andhra Pradesh Government recently issued an order to release almost 1000 prisoners, convicted of serious crimes and serving life sentences.
Prisoners can be released on remission after serving five years of their sentence.
The Andhra Pradesh Government had previously released prisoners on remission in 2004.
One of them was Mujeeb Ahmed, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1994 and released on special remission in 2004, notwithstanding the protests of the Police force.
Mujeeb went underground, becoming an active member of the Hizbul-Mujahideen and ISI.
He was arrested again in December 2005.
On Friday, Mujib Ahmed was convicted by a Hyderabad court, on the charges of of sedition and collecting arms to wage war against the country, and sentenced to life imprisonment.
In India that means five years, right?
4 days ago
Letting off prisoners should be done based solely on the basis of honest inputs given by jail authorities and perhaps eminent psychologists based on the behaviour of the convicts in jai
Also, there should be no room for leniency to terrorists. There are umpteen Mujeeb Ahmed type of cases in Kashmir...that is one reason why security forces who have lost their colleagues while capturing them under most difficult circumstances, sometimes do things which they must not.
Our politicians, irrespective of party,take all such decisions with only electoral calculations in mind.
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