India is the birthplace of chaos. Anything that can go smoothly will get derailed and finish with a lot of chaos as an accompaniment.
Our festivals are a chaos, our faith is chaotic, our life flow is a chaos. Infact, chaos has become an unique Indian trademark.
When chaos is our very nature then why do we pretend to prefer order. Why do we fear chaos or use every opportunity to bemoan chaos.
I believe that we should stop fighting chaos and dive headlong into it. Let us embrace chaos and allow it to permeate every cell in our earthly vehicles, our bodies.
For, life was born out of chaos, and it is a miracle that order of cosmic proportions is maintained as part of chaos.
The next time we see or read about chaos, move on with a smile and say...."That is Life".
4 days ago
Right on.
India is chaotic and damm interesting.
Never a boring day.
We love it.
I think with the kind of governance we have,the kind of politicians we have and the kind of laws we have---it is good to live in chaotic situations.That is we are.
Maybe we could have orderly chaos? :)
Even indian Weddings or prayer is utter chaos
Ten aunts will say say how to do everything
by the end of the day mind to so muddled up
you need a week to recover from the chaos.
Indian chaos is not only in india after 150 years
in south africa its the same.
thanks bkc sir....:)
But we are also an expert at coming out of a chaos.
Have you seen the traffic jams at cross roads? We create a jam and chaos (with everyone wanting to go first) but when it comes to areal dead lock, the same ones who created the chaos comes forward and directs the traffic in such a way that with in minutes the deadlock is broken.
I think we can not live without chaos otherwise why many Indians want to come back from abroad specially elders!
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