Is it Bangalore, Bengaluru, Bengalooru, Bangaluru or Bangalooru?
Agreed, Bangalore is out - it was the old English name given by British Babus who could not pronounce the original Kannada name - and the city was recently rechristened to "Bengaluru".
Almost every Indian city has a local and an English version of its name. And each one of them, after fifty years of Independence, started slowly reverting back to the name that locals know it by. Which is all very good, as long as there is no ambiguity involved in the way one spells it. Because there is only one way to write each name in the regional language - whereas there are a myriad ways to write it in English!
A city by any name, one would say, would still have its share of traffic, pollution, and water woes...
4 days ago
One way to write each name in local language and myriad ways in English. No wonder there is so much of confusion still about many names.
Changing names don't change the problems, yes. But a name means many things to different people - for very good reasons.
We all would be a happier lot if we can,besides changing over to original names of cities,change our political class if we can't change their mind set!!!!
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