The Great Colonial Hoax has been finally exposed. There is no Aryan-Dravidian, North-South divide in India. Indians always knew there never was, till Europeans landed up in India and manufactured one out of thin air, and one that Indian historians continue to propagate.
A study by researchers from Harvard University and India has found that there is a genetic relationship between all Indians and that 'Aryans' and 'Dravidians' have the same ancestry. According to the study, initial settlement took place 65,000 years ago in South India. Around 40, 000 years ago, North Indians emerged and, at some point of time, both got mixed.
The study also helps understand why the incidence of genetic diseases among Indians is different from the rest of the world. This clearly proves that that the famous migration Aryans from Central Asia never did take place.
4 days ago
Very interesting! Not only has the Aryan Invasion theory been disproved, but the study also says that it is possible that Indians went to Europe first, and not necessarily the other way around!
That is what has been said by others including Bhagwan S Gidwani in his tome "Return of the Aryan". This theory never ever looked as having any real basis. It is only a question of time before history books are re-written.
Hopefully now at least the stupid DMK and their blind followers will shut up and start behaving like they are part of one nation...
Anonymous, not just the DMK. Many in the North too will need serious re-orientation.
Where did my comment go? maybe it was too long?
It reveals that the present-day Indian population is a mix of ancient north and south bearing the genomic contributions from two distinct ancestral populations - the Ancestral North Indian (ANI) and the Ancestral South Indian (ASI).
and why do they insist on the above?
``The genetics proves that castes grew directly out of tribe-like organizations during the formation of the Indian society,'' the study said
Thangarajan noted that it was impossible to distinguish between castes and tribes since their genetics proved they were not systematically different.
I like this.. it proves that caste evolved and none is superior of inferior by birth..
Ye, the genetics of different castes are not different. There is little doubt that initially caste was division of labour. Over a period of time it became hereditary and that led to many social ills. We are finding a similar development taking place now a 'new' caste evolving - the politician. It is becoming a hereditary occupation and if things continue like this, we can imagine where things will land up after a few hundred years.
Vinod, for the above, I think it is because we Indians were ruled by kings and their successors.. nd we never really lost the feeling.. the politicians just fixed themselves into the scheme while the voters let them be...
but what about my question to the ANI and ASI? how did that come about when geographically the distance was not much? either the research is skewed or it is true...
I also believe that this ANI and ASI division is as illogical as is the theory of Aryan invasion.
As of now, let us be satisfied that the latter is getting disproved. As time goes by, I am sure the former will also be resolved. There is neither distance no a natural obstacle like the Himalayas to keep people of the North and South separated
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