Ajmal Kasab suddenly turned around to say "That's not me!". That it was not him who had killed scores of innocents with the AK-47 - he had never seen such a gun nor was he trained by anyone; that he had come to Mumbai with aspirations of Bollywood lead roles; that he was not the one whom you saw on your TV screens spraying bullets at will; that he was his look-alike, whom the police had trapped.
Who can forget the "Sholay" of Marathi theatre, the play written by Acharya Atre, "To mee Navhech" ("That's not me"), in which a tobacco merchant is accused of cheating and defrauding several people who all swear it was indeed him in disguise. I faintly remember the protagonist was arrested and punished finally. I hope i am right! Great fiction always proves itself over and over again by turning true!
2 weeks ago
Don't be surprised if a few Bollywood starlets, nudged by D Company, actually come up and say that this Kasab is what he now he says he is and that they had met him before 26/11.
Frankly, his lawyer has touched a new low. Even prostitutes have more dignity. How can anyone, in the name of protecting his client, come up with such a bizarre theory? No respect for the dead, no feeling for Mumbai, for India. No less than a terrorist.
This nautanki has gone on too far.
The extent to which this can be taken is only to be seen.
I will not be surprised if some upper crust pseudos start a "Save Kasab" campaign>
It is a well written script.
I only hope some stupid NGO/human right activist does not stand up and files a PIL.
Answer is only one
Speak the language these guys understand---
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