CBI, says Supreme Court, is a caged parrot,
Out they get a big stick, in a juicy carrot;
‘Hearts’ are quietly changed here,
Friends and foes to save and
And as minions purloin carrot, and
the fair queen, carat,
To the throne gifted him, clutches a
beakless parrot.
Posted by
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Night watchman is on the pitch,
No bat hit the balls away;
No balls with the bowlers,
Batters in the dressing room play.
Posted by
Friday, September 7, 2012
Once again this government has dug a deep hole,
Pretending still that the black on face is just a tiny mole;
It’s still in the earth,
Chides Chidu with mirth;
Billions mined so what? We still have the coal!
Posted by
Friday, August 3, 2012
A five and seventy man
Went hungry could have died,
For clever, hungry men
Who showed us hope, lied.
They said it was a war
Against political corruption,
Turned out was a show
To get political traction.
Power is a bitch, we knew,
That bites deep and hard;
But Team Anna fooled us all:
A veil of tough Kevlar.
Naked they all stand now,
Promises tall and fake;
Nehru's tryst, JP seen,
There's no more we can take.
Posted by
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Anna on fast again to free India of corruption,
Netas unperturbed by his unending eruption;
We are supreme, they hoot,
Question not our right to loot,
Voters are so splintered, you can’t cause any disruption.
Posted by
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Honourable members of Parliament have a problem with cartoons,
But none, surprise, with colleagues who shame even baboons;
This is no education
They thunder! for the future of our nation,
And prove again that in Gucci-khadi, they are real cartoons!
Grinning, in his High Court chamber, undressed Singhvi Abhishek,
In trust he thrust, but a secret camera caught his bare ass shake;
Fake! he raged, it's a private matter;
Press he gagged, couldn't internet chatter.
When people rage, no boss or judge can save you from the quake.
Soliciting liars,
Sellers and buyers,
Bare-ass lawyers.
They care a hang,
Call us a gang
And India gang bang.
Many a scam,
They don’t give a damn,
We are just lamb.
Media they gag,
Opponents they bag,
The flag they shag.
Drop by drop,
Their pitcher of paap
Is a filling up.
But Sin is in,
They won’t give in:
We gotta break in.
Mister Big Sugar is minister of agriculture,
He swoops down on big bucks like an old vulture,
Exports are a roaring,
Prices are a soaring
No sweat, plucking to the bone is 'Pawar' culture.
We elect them to govern,
They select among themselves
To rob India in turn.
We believe it is democracy,
They laugh we are naive,
For them it spells ‘loot-o-cracy’.
He never gives up, this son of Nero;
In 2G he tried and scored a big zero,
Akash was a goli, a plain eyewash,
Now the net he is out to white wash.
Scam-ridden Congress needs a face lift,
With honest voices she's terribly miffed;
Media brought in line with stick and cash,
It is you and me Sonia wants to lash.
Recently the Prime Minister reshuffled his cabinet and there were varied responses. One of them was Gurudas Kamat, who, incidentally, represents our area in the Lok Sabha.
He chose to resign because he was shifted to the Water and Sanitation Ministry. This "intelligent" MP felt that he has been side-lined and should have been given a more "weighty" ministry.
In this day and age our politicians feel that drinking water and sanitation are of no importance. Kamat should have been aware that Mumbai lives from year to year and is completely dependant on monsoons for their water supplies.One monsoon failure and we will have water riots here.
Here was a chance to help the city to reduce its dependance on rains and build something that would have helped many generations to come.
Alas! He turned out to be a man of straw in pursuit of titles.
Sri Padmanabha temple at Thiruvananthapuram has suddenly shot into the public eye and national limelight. So id it surprising that politicians, media, westernised Indians, rationalists and many other ill-wishers are all jostling for space.
The treasure by seems enormous, ancient and priceless. One can imagine some extra-ordinary items that represent the wealth of the royalty of those times and a peek into the richness, grandeur and culture of the time it represents.
The key question is.....This is wealth in terms of assets. Where is the money??? Seriously, does somebody believe that this treasure should be sold and the cash used for some ill-advised welfare programme with the inevitable stink of corruption tagging along.
Let us celebrate our rich legacy and preserve it for generations that will follow, to admire and learn from this amazing treasure and not squander it away.
Manmohan says he is Minister Prime and not a lame duck:
Would I have survived if so much blame I couldn’t well duck?
Reddy, media or Kalmadi,
They are all in Sonia’s rave party;
With BJP numb and Rahul dumb, wingless I am flying on luck!
Black clouds of corrupt politicians Seem to have swallowed India’s sun,The skies are a weeping at this turn,
But for them this river of tar is fun.
We have a cabinet minister who thinks he's a big hero,
All because after every theft he avers the loss is zero,
Be it a bill or a dacoity,
His answer is Sibal, not civil, society,
Thieving leaders will save India, he says, not an honest tyro.
Had Smarter bin Laden hit South or North Block,
He would still have been a hero roaming free in Pak or POK,
A few tiny squeals,
Not a thought of ‘Seals’,
We would still have been saying we have no choice but to talk.
Missiles, guns and robotic bomb-disposal units will be deployed in and around Mohali ahead of the diplomacy-laced India-Pak cricket encounter.
Thus screams
TOI and other main stream media.
What are our leaders expecting?
When the match ends tomorrow, with no unpleasant incidents (let us all pray!), either India or Pakistan will win.
If Pakistan wins, will they arrest LeT founder Hafiz Muhammad Saeed or hand over to India the wanted
And if Pakistan loses, does it mean they secure the right to export more terrorists? After all, we hurt them again did we not?
Has the whole nation gone bonkers over cricket or is it only me?
The earthquake and resultant Tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, have almost crippled the Fukushima Nuclear power plant. Radiation leaks from its reactors have not only brought terrible memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but have also raised
fresh questions in India about the wisdom of using nuclear energy to generate power. Even though the situation appears to getting under control, fears continue to be stoked.
Ketan Panchal, a Twitter friend who is training to become a nuclear medicine physician , is concerned about the misinformation being disseminated and the panic being spread about the dangers posed by radiation leaks at Fukushima.
A single chest CT-scan, he says, gives one a radiation dose that
is more than 1000 times what a full day spent in Fukushima town will. Should put many of us at rest and take the wind out of irrational opponents of nuclear power who are painting doomsday scenarios.
We have an annual ritual of presenting the annual budget of the Government of India on 28th February every year. Apart from presenting the accounts of the GOI, the budget has gained a level of importance far beyond what it deserves.
It has become the arbiter of our destinies and a dispenser of largesse to that group which danced and grovelled the best. It carries the ever-alive threat of additional taxes. Crumbs are thrown to the common man, fancy jargon quoted as a measure of impressive success.
Today's budget has been no different. It perpetuates the practice of fudging accounts and window dressing them. One is led to believe that all is well.
When India eventually achieves its destiny as a economically advanced nation, the people of India need to be applauded and not an insipid and unimaginative Government.